Thursday, November 12, 2009

General update

This is just a little update on some stuff going on right now.

My little sister is 18 weeks pregnant and just found out what she is having. It's a BOY! Another boy in the family. My poor parents, are they ever going to get a granddaughter. Well they just might have a chance since Chris and I are now trying for baby #3. Yep you read right we are now trying for #3! Hopefully it wont take as long as it did with Jeremiah!

The boys had a doctors appointment yesterday. Blake just got the flu shot and Jeremiah had his 18 month appointment and he also got the flu shot. My big little guys is 31 lbs and 33 3/4 in long!! he grew 2 1/4 in in 3 months!! We knew he had a growth spurt but we didn't think it was that big!! The doctor also noticed a heart murmur with Jeremiah. But she said she thinks it is just due to his huge growth spurt. She showed me his growth curve chart and he has decided to make his on chart! lol So we will just keep an eye on the murmur. Since he was running all over the place she said it was not bothering him.

Jeremiah did better on Halloween than I thought he would. He got mad when I was not letting him go to every house with his brother. lol Blake was a gorilla and Jeremiah was Simba from the Lion King.

Here are a few pictures from the past month.

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